Quarterly Call – Dec 7th

Thank you to everyone who joined in the call tonight! Here is a quick summary of what was discussed on the call.

Meeting Purpose:

Third quarterly meeting of Detroit Nightlife United, a grassroots effort to support Detroit’s nightlife community.

Key Takeaways

  • Need help with community outreach to be more inclusive, especially of Black promoters/venues
  • Fundraising underway for Creative Footprint study to quantify economic impact of nightlife
  • Presented to Entertainment Commission, received positive feedback
  • U of M student presentation had useful recommendations on enhancing nightlife


Community Outreach

  • Goal is to be inclusive of all genres/styles in Detroit nightlife
  • Currently only know who we know, need help reaching more people
  • Can provide recommendations on who to contact

Fundraising for Creative Footprint Study

  • Study will quantify economic impact of 24-hour nightlife economy in Detroit
  • Using Vibelab experts in quantifying night economies
  • GoFundMe set up for donations, help sharing is appreciated
  • Could potentially get grant funding instead (Ford Foundation etc.)

Presentation to Entertainment Commission

  • Subcommittee of City Council that oversees entertainment
  • Introduced Detroit Nightlife United and mission
  • Received positive feedback and offers to help with contacts

U of M Student Presentation

  • Looked at solutions for issues in nightlife through DEI lens
  • Had useful recommendations on marketing techno economy, task forces, mobilizing support etc.
  • Requested that they present at our May conference.

Next Steps:

  • Determine format for March 20 meeting (in-person/virtual)
  • Continue seeking help with grant writing
  • Follow up on potential Ford Foundation grant
  • Increase involvement from more community members

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